I guess I'll start off this one with a few questions:
It seems pretty well established that McMurphy is sexually open and promiscuous. He makes multiple comments and openly talks about his run-in with statutory rape. Why do you think Kesey tries to make this character so lovable? Do you think his ill-natured actions take away from his positive attitude and our positive opinion of him, or are they forgiven?
What is the value of fun and games at the institution? Why does it seem that McMurphy is the most interested?
Discuss McMurphy's breakout thoughts. Why does he want to do it?
Do you think the more updated hospital has actually proved to be better for the patients or is it just something to cover up the true conditions of it? Explain
What is the value of the shorter chapters? Are they stylistically effective or should they just be placed in their surrounding chapters?
Discuss the tension between Ratched and McMurphy. (Please)