Thursday, May 1, 2014


This is a post to discuss the ending of the book. Warning: comments contain spoilers!


  1. I feel like the book as a whole was a little slow, but when it started to pick up it REALLY picked up. I was unsure of what I read when Billy cut his throat, but I guess mostly everything in the novel can be justified by saying "Well it takes place in a mental ward." The fact that Ratched gets McMurphy lobotomized didn't quite surprise me considering the things she had done before, but it was still sad when Chief had to kill him in order to let him keep his dignity. That way, he wouldn't die as an image of Nurse Ratched's abuse of power. What did everyone else think? Overall, I would rate the book a 7/10, and I am curious to see what others give it.

  2. I would have to rate the book around a 7 too. I liked how Chief came around to talking and nobody cared or questioned. I also think its sad that Chief had to kill McMurphy. One would think the ward would win but the reader roots on McMurphy. Although Miss Ratched makes McMurphy seem like he's using the Acutes, he really helped them out. It wasn't McMurphy's fault that Cheswick and Billy killed themselves. Why do you think that McMuprhy let it go so far that he got lobotomized? It's almost like he wanted the electricshock therapy. Was it because he didn't want Miss Ratched to win? What do you think?

  3. I would give this book a 6.5-7.5 rating. I really enjoyed the pacing of the book and the character dynamics between all of the ward members and the Big Nurse. I thought it was a little surprising that McMurphy was lobotomized, but it was a good way to end his story. I expected him to finally win over the Big Nurse once and for all; however, by killing him off this way, Kesey creates a nice plot twist that appealed to me as a reader, and I feel like it gave Chief some freedom to "take the spotlight" of the story so to speak. I liked how Chief Bromden was able to escape through the window by picking up the electrical unit and throwing it through the window, the same thing that McMurpy had tried to do earlier in the book.
